Archive for 'Profiles'

Lady Rhea Bewitches Bronx
Posted on 15. Dec, 2009 by Erica Soto.
On a Saturday afternoon, Lady Rhea’s Magickal Realms shop in the Bronx bustled with the energy of a Manhattan coffee shop on a weekday morning. For years, Lady Rhea has offered spiritual advice to her clients. Unlike most botanicas in the Bronx, she draws from many pagan religions, not just Christianity. “It’s more of a spiritual center than just a store,” she said.
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Navy, Old and New, on the USS New York
Posted on 08. Dec, 2009 by Erin McCarthy.
by Erin McCarthy
Frank DeCicco, 80, climbed aboard the U.S.S. New York 56 years after he served in the Navy on the U.S.S. Helena during the Korean War. He sniffed the below-decks air, tinged with metal and oil.
“A navy ship’s a navy ship. To me they all smell the same,” he said.
DeCicco, of Bethpage, N.Y., was one of many Navy veterans to visit the U.S.S. New York during its 10-day stay in New York City over the Veterans Day holiday. For some veterans, it was an opportunity to remember their service and to see how the Navy has changed.